

Empire Space is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to comprehensively analyzing, supporting, and promoting the entire New York space sector, with the aim of fostering economic growth, promoting research and development, and increasing academic and commercial opportunities in the space sector for New Yorkers of all backgrounds. Empire Space achieves these objectives by conducting thorough research and analysis, networking between various stakeholders to promote sector synergies, and engaging the everyday public.

Our organization's major mission milestone is to cement New York as a top-five state for space sector business. Other critical milestones for the organization's mission within the NY space sector include enhanced research, development, and manufacturing capabilities, increased academic offerings at all levels, increased space-related transportation capabilities, and industry diversity benchmarks.

The specific purposes and objectives of Empire Space are:

  1. Increasing knowledge and awareness of the space ecosystem in New York State through data research and publication, community programming, targeted group and individual outreach, and other related activities.
  2. Enhancing the mission of space-involved educational institutions and civic institutions (e.g., Planetariums, Observatories, Science Centers) at all levels throughout New York State. This goal will be achieved via community and private sector networking, research and analysis, public outreach, grant procurement, and other related activities.
  3. Supporting and enhancing growth potential for the private space sector in New York State via research and analysis, academic and civic networking, grant procurement, public policy advocacy, and other related activities.
  4. Laying the groundwork and building capacity for longer-term projects in the space ecosystem by harnessing the diverse resources and talents currently present in every corner of the state. Long-term projects of interest include enhanced research, development, and manufacturing capabilities, increased academic offerings at all levels, and increased space-related transportation capabilities.
  5. Actively and robustly promote diversity and inclusion throughout all corners of the New York space ecosystem, ensuring that historical inequalities do not follow us into the Solar System.

We are excited about this bold new chapter for New York, and we hope you will join us for the adventure!


Patrick Chase was born and raised in Rochester, NY, and has been fascinated with space since reading original Star Trek novels as a young boy. He has a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Rochester, with experience in political communications and field work. He studied space and astronomy as a Minor in college, and has written about the intersection of space and politics since transitioning away from full time political work. He hopes Empire Space will kick start a new age of enthusiasm and growth for space and astronomy across the state.

Evan Lerner is an Aerospace Engineer born and raised in New York City. He was introduced to space and engineering at the Bronx High School of Science, later earning his bachelor's and master's in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Michigan. He hopes this project will generate a healthy New York Space industry with many space-related opportunities available across the state.

Casey Slone grew up in Saratoga Springs, NY and attended college at the University of Rochester. He graduated in 2012 with a B.A. in Political Science and has spent the past ten years working in consumer packaged goods. As someone with deep ties to New York he is humbled to join an organization so deeply committed to fostering economic growth in the state.

Joel Gallant has a B.A. from the University of Rochester and has continued to live and work in the Rochester, NY, area for over a decade. He enjoys reading news about space exploration and watching the future become reality. He also enjoys creating clean and mobile-friendly websites with intriguing information and functionality.

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