Explore the hard facts regarding the New York space sector, and learn just how potent of an economic, academic, and cultural force it can be in the future -- now including 1538 active data points!

Vmanjr, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Business Capital
Empire Space's Business Capital database includes space financing sources from angel investors, venture capital, private equity, and investment banks in most regions of New York State. Activity is focused in New York City, which contains all of the high-space-focus capital sources and most of the moderate-space-focus ones. The next most active regions are the Capital Region, Western NY, and Mid-Hudson, while the least active regions are the North Country, the Mohawk Valley, and Long Island.
Business CapitalBusiness Services
New York's booming finance sector supports a thriving network of business service providers, including startup accelerators and incubators, many of which are accessible to space tech companies.
Business ServicesCivic Infrastructure
Space sector civic infrastructure refers to the public, community-centered groups and institutions that promote space and astronomy education and interest to the general public. The Empire Space Civic Infrastructure data table is the most comprehensive list of space related groups and public institutions in New York.
Civic DataColleges & Universities
The New York space sector possesses an incredibly rich and diverse array of colleges and universities, educating thousands of students, hosting planetariums and observatories, and serving as key focal points for local and regional space communities. These higher education campuses offer space related courses, host student groups that enrich the lives of thousands of students, and facilitate cutting edge research and development.
Colleges & Universities DataK-12 Schools
Engaging young people in the wonders of space & astronomy while building a world-class space education pipeline is critical for the future of the New York space ecosystem. This table highlights the current space-focused resources available in K-12 schools across New York.
K-12 DataLegislative Districts
Here we cross-reference our datasets with the legislative districts for the New York State Assembly & Senate, allowing users and legislators alike to explore the specific institutions, facilities, and organizations that make up the space ecosystem in their districts. We at Empire Space believe information is key, and that an informed and interested Legislature is likely a prerequisite for a vibrant and expanding New York space ecosystem capable of undertaking significant, long-term projects.
Legislative DistrictsMUREP - Minority Institutions
NASA's MUREP (Minority University Research & Education Project) program utilizes multiple different avenues to engage with historically underrepresented populations. NASA and the space sector as a whole have suffered from gaps in representation and a lack of diversity, and MUREP is a flagship NASA program that offers grants, fellowships, internships, mentoring, and other resources to shrink those gaps and open the entire space sector to everyone.
MUREP DataNew Yorkers In Space
Venturing into space is one of the most awe-inspiring and powerful journey's a person can undertake. The New Yorkers in Space data table provides the superlatives and a brief snapshot into the lives of the 31 New Yorkers who have travelled into space. We hope you will be inspired by their stories, and may they encourage you to pursue your own dreams in the future.
NYers In Space DataOut-of-State Business
While there are many space business capital and services organizations located in New York, there are also some prolific space-supporters outside of the state. Those that are accessible to space companies in New York are provided here, as a resource for the New York space ecosystem.
Out-of-State BusinessSpace Companies
Initial analysis from Empire Space reveals over 160 companies in space, aerospace, and related defense fields that employ roughly 40,000 people across the state. These companies specialize in everything including rocketry, satellites, space habitat design, electronics, tourism, and a wide range of manufacturing specializations. These companies inhabit every corner of the state, from the tip of Long Island to the shores of the roaring Niagara Falls.
Space Companies