Long Island Region

Long Island has a proud history as an aviation and aerospace hub. It has been referred to as the Cradle of Aviation for hosting Charles Lingburgh's trans-Atlantic crossings, and was a construction hub for the Apollo Lunar Lander program.

This proud legacy still shapes the region's story today, as Long Island hosts a significant portion of New York's aerospace research and manufacturing facilities. There is also extensive academic infrastructure in the region. Numerous K-12 districts host planetariums, while extensive space related programming is available at prominent colleges & universities such as Hofstra, Stony Brook, Adelphi, and Nassau Community College.

A series of prominent museums, planetariums, and observatories serve the general public, offering high quality access to space and astronomy in neighborhoods from Syosset to Riverhead.The Brookhaven Lab is a world-class research facility that has been conducting path breaking scientific research (and supporting thousands of jobs) for 75 years. The Lab estimates that every year they enhance the education of 35,000 K-12 students on Long Island, 200 undergraduates, and 500+ teachers nationwide. This is a potent civic sector generating significant human capital for New York's space ecosystem.

Long Islanders can take pride in their space heritage, and have the tools available to ensure their home continues to play an integral role in shaping the future American story in space.

Including organizations and resources throughout the Long Island Region!

Business Capital | Business Services | Civic Sector | Higher Education | K-12 Schools | Minority Institutions | NYers In Space | Planetariums & Observatories | Space Companies

Business Capital -- 2 resources

Business Services -- 4 resources

OrganizationLocationTypeBusiness FocusBusiness StageSpace Focus LevelSpace InvolvementUniversitySocial MediaADSDNotes
Long Island High Technology IncubatorStony BrookStartup IncubatorTechnologyEarly GrowthLowStony Brook University4 (D)2 (R)New York State certified Business Incubator, ETIC affiliated, also known as "Long Island Innovation Hotspot"
Launchpad Long IslandHuntingtonStartup CommunityGeneralEarly GrowthLow10 (D)5 (R)ETIC affiliated
IdeaHUbHempsteadStartup IncubatorGeneralEarly GrowthLowHofstra University18 (D)6 (D)New York State certified Business Incubator
Long Island Capital AllianceNew Hyde ParkStartup CommunityGeneralEarly GrowthLow16 (D)7 (R)

Civic Sector -- 12 resources

ADDAPTGarden CityActiveunknown19 (R)6 (D)Cradle of Aviation MuseumTrade organization focused on promoting the Long Island aerospace sector.
AIAA Long IslandBethpageActiveunknown17 (R)5 (R)
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers AFL-CIO, District 15MelvilleActiveunknown10 (D)2 (R)International Association of Machinists & Aerospace WorkersNortheastern regional union that includes aerospace workers.
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, 754 Local LodgeFarmingdaleActiveunknown15 (R)5 (R)International Association of Machinists & Aerospace WorkersFounded in 1940, this local union represents a small segment of workers in the Long Island aerospace ecosystem.
Long Island Observers AssociationHuntingtonTBDunknown12 (R)2 (R)
Long Island STEM HubUptonActiveunknown2 (R)3 (R)Brookhaven National LaboratoryThe primary goal of the Long Island STEM Hub is to bring industry, academia and not-for-profits together to prepare our youth for the high tech jobs on Long Island. One of two hubs is ocated at the Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Long Island STEM HubGarden CityActiveunknown19 (R)6 (D)Cradle of Aviation MuseumThe primary goal of the Long Island STEM Hub is to bring industry, academia and not-for-profits together to prepare our youth for the high tech jobs on Long Island. One of two hubs is ocated at the Cradle of Aviation Museum.
NASA Space Radiation LaboratoryUptonActiveunknown2 (R)3 (R)Brookhaven National LaboratoryJoint effort by NASA and the Brookhaven National Laboratory to understand the impacts of radiation on astronauts.
NYC AerospaceRoslyn HeightsActiveunknown16 (D)7 (R)Roslyn Central SchoolsRoslyn High School Division of NYC Aerospace.
Astronomical Society of Long IslandCenterportActive1002 (R)2 (R)Vanderbilt PlanetariumWeekly programming available to the public.
Custer Institute Astronomy ClubRiverheadActive1002 (R)1 (R)Custer InstituteLong Island's oldest public observatory. They also have a unique Music Project and monthly star parties.
Amateur Observers Society of NYHempsteadActive15018 (D)6 (D)Hofstra UniversitySpecial focus on combating light pollution.

Colleges & Universities -- 27 resources

InstitutionLocationCodeResourcesSocial MediaMembersADSDComments
Stony Brook UniversityStony BrookDegree ProgramEarth& Space SciencesTwitter   unknown4 (D)1 (R)Broad field of study that includes Astronomy.
Stony Brook UniversityStony BrookDegree ProgramAstronomy/Planetary Sciencesunknown4 (D)1 (R)Prepares students for graduate level Astronomy work.
Stony Brook UniversityStony BrookDegree ProgramPhysicsunknown4 (D)1 (R)Prepares students for either graduate school or a wide range of industry professions.
Stony Brook UniversityStony BrookDegree ProgramGeospatial Scienceunknown4 (D)1 (R)Minor program offering students greater experience in geospatial analysis.
Stony Brook UniversityStony BrookDegree ProgramGeosciences - Planetary Science (MS, PHD)unknown4 (D)1 (R)Tradition of integrating field, experimental, and analytical techniques into a study of Earth and other planetary bodies. Ranked as a Top 15 research prorgam by the National Research Council.
Stony Brook UniversityStony BrookDegree ProgramPhysics (MA, MiS, PhD) unknown4 (D)1 (R)Diverse range of graduate level offerings including teaching and research.
Stony Brook UniversityStony BrookStudent GroupPhysics Graduate Student AssociationFacebook474 (D)1 (R)Facilitates a healthy graduate department environment while conducting outreach to interested community members.
Stony Brook UniversityStony BrookStudent GroupAstronomy ClubFacebook304 (D)1 (R)Active group that conducts community outreach, field trips, and viewing parties.
Stony Brook UniversityStony BrookStudent GroupGraduate Women in Science & EngineeringTwitter   1544 (D)1 (R)Works to enhance the holistic development of graduate women in STEM.
Stony Brook UniversityStony BrookStudent GroupAIAATwitter   554 (D)1 (R)Addresses the needs of the current and future aerospace workforce.
Stony Brook UniversityStony BrookCivic InstitutionMount Stony Brook Observatoryunknown4 (D)1 (R)On campus observatory utilized by various departments.
Farmingdale State CollegeFarmingdaleDegree ProgramPhysicsunknown10 (D)2 (R)Program designed to allow students to individualize their education.
Farmingdale State CollegeFarmingdaleDegree ProgramAviationunknown10 (D)2 (R)Largest flight school in the region, prepares students for a career in aeronautics.
Farmingdale State CollegeFarmingdaleDegree ProgramScience, Technology, and Societyunknown10 (D)2 (R)Program focused on the interconnectedness of technology and our modern world.
Suffolk Community CollegeSeldenDegree ProgramEarth & Space Science - Astronomyunknown5 (R)3 (R)Prepares students for further studies in research or teaching.
Suffolk Community CollegeSeldenDegree ProgramEarth & Space Science - Physicsunknown5 (R)3 (R)Prepares students for further studies in research or teaching.
Suffolk Community CollegeSeldenStudent GroupPhysics Clubunknown5 (R)3 (R)Facilitates a student interest in physics and physical processes.
Adelphi UniversityGarden CityDegree ProgramPhysicsunknown19 (R)6 (D)Combines small class sizes with access to on-campus research facilities.
Adelphi UniversityGarden CityStudent GroupPhysics ClubTwitter   2019 (R)6 (D)Work to share the world of physics with the broader campus.
Adelphi UniversityGarden CityCivic InstitutionAdelphi University Observatoryunknown19 (R)6 (D)For use by Physics & Astronomy students.
Hofstra UniversityHempsteadDegree ProgramPhysicsunknown19 (R)6 (D)Curriculum includes a broad background in preparation for graduate studies.
Hofstra UniversityHempsteadDegree ProgramApplied Physicsunknown19 (R)6 (D)Prepares students for the demands of industry.
Hofstra UniversityHempsteadStudent GroupSociety of Physics StudentsFacebookunknown19 (R)6 (D)Provides networking opportunities to undergraduate Physics students.
Hofstra UniversityHempsteadCivic InstitutionHofstra University Observatoryunknown19 (R)6 (D)On campus facility offering students cutting edge observing resources.
Nassau Community CollegeGarden CityDegree ProgramPhysical Sciencesunknown19 (R)6 (D)Broad curriculum includes use of on campus planetarium and observational telescopes.
Nassau Community CollegeGarden CityCivic InstitutionNassau Community College Planetariumunknown19 (R)6 (D)
NY Institute of TechnologyOld WestburyDegree ProgramMechanical Engineering - AerospaceTwitter   unknown19 (R)7 (R)Focus on aircraft and space vehicle design.

K-12 Schools -- 13 resources

Southampton High SchoolSouthamptonSinnecock Multimedia PlanetariumPlanetarium was fully renovated in 2012.1 (D)1 (R)
Stony Brook SchoolStony BrookThe American Rocket Challenge Participant2024 entrant in the Great American Rocketry Challenge.4 (D)1 (R)
Half Hollow Hills School DistrictDix HillsHalf Hollow Hills High School PlanetariumState of the art facility serving all of the districts K-12 students.10 (D)2 (R)
St. Anthony High SchoolHuntingtonThe American Rocket Challenge Participant2020 entrant in the Great American Rocketry Challenge.10 (D)2 (R)
Longwood Middle SchoolMiddle IslandLongwood Regional Planetarium64 seat capacity planetarium on campus for student & community access.9 (R)3 (R)
Freeport Central School DistrictFreeportNASA NY Space Grant AffiliateActive member of the NASA NY Space Grant program, including programming surrounding the 2024 Eclipse.21 (R)6 (D)
East Williston School District - The Wheatley SchoolOld WestburyThe American Rocket Challenge Participant2023 entrant in the Great American Rocketry Challenge.13 (D)7 (R)
Great Neck North High SchoolGreat NeckAstronomy Club Astronomy Club 16 (D)7 (R)
Roslyn Central SchoolsRoslyn HeightsRoslyn High School Division of NYC Aerospace.16 (D)7 (R)
The Green Vale SchoolGlen HeadThe American Rocket Challenge Participant2020 entrant in the Great American Rocketry Challenge.19 (R)7 (R)
Sayville Middle SchoolSayvilleSayville Middle School PlanetariumPlanetarium construction was a community effort, and extracurricular programs exist to help more students experience it.7 (R)8 (R)
West Islip School DistrictWest IslipWest Islip High School PlanetariumActive program for students across the district with an active social media presence.9 (R)8 (R)
Lindenhurst Middle SchoolLindenhurstLindenhurst Middle School Planetarium11 (D)8 (R)

Minority Institutions (MUREP) -- 7 resources

Adelphi UniversityAANAPISIGarden CityPhysicsCombines small class sizes with access to on-campus research facilities.19 (R)6 (D)
Adelphi UniversityAANAPISIGarden CityAdelphi University ObservatoryFor use by Physics & Astronomy students.19 (R)6 (D)
Adelphi UniversityAANAPISIGarden CityPhysics ClubWork to share the world of physics with the broader campus.19 (R)6 (D)
Nassau Community CollegeHSIGarden CityPhysical SciencesBroad curriculum includes use of on campus planetarium and observational telescopes.19 (R)6 (D)
Nassau Community CollegeHSIGarden CityNassau Community College Planetarium19 (R)6 (D)
SUNY Old Westbury CollegeAANAPISI, HSIOld WestburyChemistry & PhysicsBroad, interdisciplinary mentality underlies all programming.15 (R)7 (R)
New York Institite of TechnologyAANAPISIOld WestburyMechanical Engineering - AerospaceFocus on aircraft and space vehicle design.19 (R)7 (R)

NYers In Space -- 3 resources

AstronautBirthplaceMissionsTime In SpaceNotes
Kevin KregelAmityvilleSTS 70, 78, 87, 9952 days, 18 hours, and 21 minutesWas awarded NASA's Exceptional Service Medal.
Mary CleaveSouthamptonSTS 61-B, STS 3010 days, 22 hours, and 2 minutesAccomplished environmental engineer in addition to being an astronaut.
Mike MassiminoOceansideSTS 109, 12523 days, 19 hours, and 47 minutesBoth missions to space were Hubble service missions, and his post-NASA career has featured extensive media appearances.
Total time in space: 87 days, 12 hours, and 10 minutes

Planetariums & Observatories -- 18 resources

Sinnecock Multimedia PlanetariumSouthamptonN/A11 (D)1 (R)Southampton High SchoolFully renovated in 2012, supports numerous community and academic astronomy programs.
Custer Institute & ObservatorySouthold10.00"22 (R)1 (R)The Custer InstituteNumerous exciting projects underway.
Tesla Science CenterShorehamN/A152 (R)1 (R)Tesla Science CenterExpansive science programming, including physics exhibits.
Long Island ExploriumPort JeffersonN/A64 (D)1 (R)NASAMember of NASA's Museum & Informal Education Alliance.
Mount Stony Brook ObservatoryStony Brook14.00"14 (D)1 (R)Stony Brook UniversityPrimarily a research & teaching observatory.
Half Hollow Hills High School PlanetariumDix HillsN/A110 (D)2 (R)Half Hollow Hills School DistrictState of the art facility serving all of the districts K-12 students.
Vanderbilt Planetarium & ObservatoryCenterport16.00"2212 (R)2 (R)Vanderbilt MuseumFriday and Saturday night viewings.
Brookhaven National LaboratoryUptonN/A30812 (R)3 (R)NASAA premiere national research facility, including a joint project with NASA studying the impacts of cosmic radiation.
Longwood Regional PlanetariumMiddle IslandN/A19 (R)3 (R)Longwood Middle School64 seat capacity, located at Longwood Middle School.
Center for Science Technology & LearningRockvilleN/A118 (D)6 (D)NASAMember of NASA's Museum & Informal Education Alliance.
Adelphi University ObservatoryGarden City14.00"119 (R)6 (D)Adelphi UniversityFor use by Physics & Astronomy students.
Cradle of Aviation MuseumGarden CityN/A6719 (R)6 (D)Cradle of AviationNumerous exhibits and activities centered on aerospace and spaceflight.
Hofstra University ObservatoryHempstead11.00"119 (R)6 (D)Hofstra UniversityObservatory is utilized for research by undergraduate students.
Long Island Childrens MuseumGarden CityN/A6219 (R)6 (D)Long Island Childrens MuseumSpace related programs for youth, including NASA tutorials.
Nassau Community College PlanetariumGarden CityN/A119 (R)6 (D)Nassau Community CollegeHosts "Open House" astronomy nights.
Sayville Middle School PlanetariumSayvilleN/A17 (R)8 (R)Sayville Union Free School DistrictPlanetarium construction was a community effort, and extracurricular programs exist to help more students experience it.
West Islip High School PlanetariumWest IslipN/A19 (R)8 (R)West Islip School DistrictActive program for students across the district with an active social media presence.
Lindenhurst Middle School PlanetariumLindenhurstN/Aunknown11 (D)8 (R)

Space Companies -- 140 resources

S3 Aerospace Space & Defense Aerospace Development & Support $354 thousand
5 Sound Beach Woman owned parts supplier for the aerospace and defense ecosystem including electronics, hardware, aircraft spares, and international trade compliance. 2 (R) 1 (R)
UltraMotion Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $1.15 million
6 Cutchogue Wide range of aerospace and science applications including advanced parts manufacturing that includes a partnership with the Brookhaven National Laboratory. 2 (R) 1 (R)
Camera Concepts & Telescope Solutions Core Space Optics & Imaging $100 thousand
$5 million

1 Facebook Stony Brook Local, independent telescope shop serving the Stony Brook community and all of Long Island. 4 (D) 1 (R)
Design/Ol Inc Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $5.83 million
15 Port Jefferson Veteran owned aerospace parts manufacturer that serves civilian and defense clients. 4 (D) 1 (R)
K.C. Electronic Distributors Inc. Core Space Electronics $3 million
19 Twitter    Setauket Specializes in wiring, tubing, connectors, and batteries. Has done work for NASA's Orion program. 4 (D) 1 (R)
ASR International Space & Defense Space Force/Military $16.81 million
300 Twitter    Hauppauge Extensive array of engineering skills and capabilities serving a wide range of customers, including multiple branches of the US military. 8 (R) 2 (R)
ASR International Corp Core Space Technical Consulting & Construction $56 million
201 - 500 Twitter    Hauppauge Provides management and construction expertise for NASA Exploration Ground Systems at Kennedy Space Center. 8 (R) 2 (R)
Cosgrove Aircraft Service Aerospace Aerospace Development & Support 20 Hauppauge Corporate HQ. 8 (R) 2 (R)
Diamond Fastners Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $5 million
25 Hauppauge 45 years of experience in providing fastener solutions to the aerospace and defense industries 8 (R) 2 (R)
Falcon Electronics Core Space Semiconductors & Electronics $17.2 million
25 Commack Develops semiconductors and other electronic products, customers include NASA's Orion and SLS programs. 8 (R) 2 (R)
Fluid Mechanisms of Hauppauge Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $8.97 million
30 Hauppauge Builds high quality aerostructures and parts. 8 (R) 2 (R)
Iconix Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $19.8 million
25 Hauppauge Specialization in electronics manufacturing for aerospace and defense clients. 8 (R) 2 (R)
Justin Electronics Inc Core Space Electronics $1000 thousand
11 Hauppauge Franchised resistor specialist that has contributed to NASA's Orion program. 8 (R) 2 (R)
L.I.T. Labs Aerospace Aerospace Development & Support $384 thousand
3 Hauppauge Certified metallurgical testing facility with experience serving the aerospace industry. 8 (R) 2 (R)
Narda-MITEQ Core Space Telecommunications & Electronics $17 million
90 Twitter    Hauppauge Industry leader in microwave and radio frequency communications, with over 28 years of spaceflight experience in amplifiers, oscillators, and synthesizers. 8 (R) 2 (R)
Peerless Aerospace Space & Defense Aerospace Development & Support $15.9 million
72 Hauppauge 70 years of experience providing quality parts to every major aerospace and defense company. 8 (R) 2 (R)
Arrow Electronics Core Space Aerospace Manufacturing 232 Twitter    Melville Manufactures an incredibly broad range of electronics parts and components (Corporate location). Customers include NASA's Orion program. 10 (D) 2 (R)
BAE Systems Space & Defense Space Force/Military 646 Greenlawn The Greenlawn facility is a part of the BAE defense and military production pipeline. 10 (D) 2 (R)
Capy Machine Shop Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $7.45 million
40 Melville Extensive aerospace manufacturing experience producing over 70,000 products. 10 (D) 2 (R)
ComTech Telecommunications Core Space Telecommunications & Electronics $581.69 million
137 Twitter    Melville Satellite communications experts with a host of commercial and government products. 10 (D) 2 (R)
FlightSafety International Space & Defense Aerospace Development & Support $120 million
110 Melville Corporate offices for the flight simulator and avionics company. 10 (D) 2 (R)
Micross Components Core Space Satellite Manufacturing $37.2 million
318 Melville Extensive facilities for advanced testing and assembly of advanced components. Client list includes NASA and other aerospace giants. 10 (D) 2 (R)
MSC Industrial Supply Core Space Precision Machining $4.01 billion
416 Twitter    Melville NY branch of a nationwide precision machining shop and distributor with a wide range of capabilities. Customers include NASA's Orion and SLS program. 10 (D) 2 (R)
Spectronics Aerospace Aerospace Development & Support $58.9 million
100 Twitter    Melville Industry leading specialists in detecting and repairing leaks in aerospace systems. 10 (D) 2 (R)
Telephonics Aerospace Telecommunications & Electronics 6 Twitter    Huntington This is their office complex and manufacturing facility. 10 (D) 2 (R)
TransAero Space & Defense Space Force/Military $3.76 million
40 Melville Primarily military supplier with a focus on critical aerospace life support systems. 10 (D) 2 (R)
Applied Visions Space & Defense Satellite Software $98 million
98 Twitter    Northport Experienced software firm with roots in simulation technologies for aerospace, military, and nuclear power clients. 12 (R) 2 (R)
Bren-Tronics Aerospace Robotics, Batteries, Drones $56.2 million
260 Commack Decades of experience in batteries, robitics, and drone applications for military and industrial purposes. Member of ADDAPT Long Island aerospace & defense network. 14 (R) 2 (R)
M3 Technology Core Space Aerospace Support & Development $6.1 million
30 Twitter    Bellport Woman owned small business with experience in aerospace supply chain management that has contributed to NASA's SLS program. 3 (R) 3 (R)
North Shore Components Inc. Core Space Electronics & Semiconductors $16.6 million
67 Bellport Provides managament and logsitics support for space and aerospace clients, including NASA's SLS program. 3 (R) 3 (R)
Posimech Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $343 thousand
22 Medford Conducts a wide range of precision machining and electro-mechanical assembly for the aerospace industry. 3 (R) 3 (R)
Tower Fasteners Co. Inc. Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $38.37 million
75 Holtsville Provides high quality fasteners and bolts to military and commercial aerospace clients. 3 (R) 3 (R)
Wilco Industries Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $2.15 million
9 Ronkonkoma Provides high quality precision machined parts to the aerospace ecosystem, including a unique set of Fire Door Release Mechanisms. 5 (R) 3 (R)
Air Industries Group Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $58 million
209 Bay Shore This is the HQ for their complex machining division. 6 (D) 4 (D)
Arrow Electronics Core Space Aerospace Manufacturing Twitter    Islandia Manufactures an incredibly broad range of electronics parts and components (Components facility). Customers include NASA's Orion program. 6 (D) 4 (D)
Clad Metal Specialties Core Space Aerospace/Deep Space Manufacturing $7 million
35 Twitter    Bay Shore Provides a range of high quality cladding services for the aerospace industry. Their work was even a part of the NASA Juno mission to Jupiter. 6 (D) 4 (D)
GNY Equipment Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $4.59 million
5 Bay Shore Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier of Aviation Ground ReFueling and Liquid, Gas and Hot Air Handling Equipment. Specializing in Custom Fabricated Ground Fueling Support Equipment. 6 (D) 4 (D)
Thuro Metal Products Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $10.39 million
75 Twitter    Brentwood Family owned precision machining shop with a rich heritage of providing quality aerospace parts. 6 (D) 4 (D)
Artemis Inc Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $1.5 million
(Site Specific)
7 Facebook Hauppauge Reconnaissance and remote sensing specialists with space-based applications including Aquarius and Tacsat-4. 8 (R) 4 (D)
Lourdes Industries Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $26.8 million
50 Hauppauge Over six decades of experience developing advanced fluid control and monitoring devices for aerospace and military clients. 8 (R) 4 (D)
Rolling Motion Industries Aerospace Space Power $5 million
4 North Bablyon Innovative power transmission technology with widespread applications, including aerospace and space. 9 (R) 4 (D)
Metadure Space & Defense Space Force/Military $2.1 million
12 Farmingdale Provides a wide range of manufacturing & management services to military & aerospace clients. 10 (D) 4 (D)
Action Machined Products Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $2.2 million
11 Copiague Precision machining facility. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Advanced Coatings Technology Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $500 thousand
28 West Babylon Offers non-destructive testing capabilities while specializing in coats and paints for aerospace customers. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Alpha Manufacturing Group Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $2.23 million
10 Farmingdale 50+ years of precision manufacturing experience for aerospace clients. 11 (D) 4 (D)
American Aerospace Controls Core Space Space Situational Awareness $9 million
48 Facebook Farmingdale Woman-owned small business with decades of experience developing high quality sensors for projects including the Space Shuttle program and the Hubble telescope. 11 (D) 4 (D)
American Aerospace Controls Core Space Aerospace Manufacturing $9 million
23 Facebook Farmingdale Develops high-reliability sensors and shunts for aerospace and space clients, including NASA's SLS program. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Ausco Inc. Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $24.09 million
100 Farmingdale Develops advanced fluid systems for high value, performance critical applications, including aerospace clients. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Curtiss-Wright Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $20 million
$50 million

(Site Specific)
100 - 249 Twitter    Farmingdale Long history of developing a wide range of engine and mechanical systems and parts for military aerospace clients. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Enertrac Corp Core Space Aerospace Manufacturing $5 million
5 Farmingdale Precision mechine shop that works with NASA's Exploration Ground Systems program. 11 (D) 4 (D)
GKN Aerospace Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $135.08 million
275 Twitter    Amityville Focus on core aerostructure manufacturing and assembly. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Javin Machine Corporation Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $3.4 million
15 West Babylon 3rd generation family precision machining & milling company serving aerospace clients since 1956. 11 (D) 4 (D)
JF Machine Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $1.15 million
10 West Bablyon High quality manufacturing supporting the Long Island aerospace ecosystem since 1978. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Kinemotive Corporation Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $13 million
48 Farmingdale Produces high quality dynamic components for the aerospace industry such as temperature sensors and pressure switches. 11 (D) 4 (D)
L3Harris Space & Defense Telecommunications & Electronics 1000 Amityville This facility is part of the navigation, electronics, and communications manufacturing network. 11 (D) 4 (D)
L3Harris Space & Defense Telecommunications & Electronics 12 Amityville This facility is part of the navigation, electronics, and communications manufacturing network. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Magellan Aerospace Core Space Satellite Manufacturing 34 Twitter    West Babylon Processing facility. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Mark 10 Corporation Core Space Aerospace Manufacturing $6.5 million
27 Copiague Designs and manufactures force and torque measurement products. Customers include NASA's Exploration Ground Systems program. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Metropolitan Aircraft Parts Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $6.41 million
17 West Bablyon Hardware and parts provider for both commercial and military aerospace clients. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Nell-Joy Industries Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $9.09 million
34 Copiague Owner of one of the largest computerized parts inventories in the US with over 350,000 parts for numerous aerospace applications. 11 (D) 4 (D)
North East Finishing Company Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $1.9 million
11 Copiague Provides a wide range of machining services to Long Island aerospace clients. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Pioneer Industries Space & Defense Space Force/Military $20.02 million
20 Farmingdale Dedicated military supplier founded during World War II. Portfolio includes multiple types of aerospace systems. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Precipart Space & Defense Space Force/Military $38.48 million
38 Farmingdale New York location for the Swiss company that provides high quality precision gears and parts to the aerospace and defense industries, with their products making it all the way to the Hubble Space Telescope and Mars. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Rapid Rivet & Fastener Co. Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $3.58 million
16 Farmingdale Master stocking distributor of fasteners and parts for a wide range of clients, including the aerospace sector. 11 (D) 4 (D)
RS Precision Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $4.22 million
22 Farmingdale Decades of experience manufacturing complex parts for various high-risk aerospace and defense applications. 11 (D) 4 (D)
SeanAir Aerospace & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $5 million
25 Farmingdale Machined parts supplier with a primary focus on aerospace and defense clients. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Telephonics Aerospace Telecommunications & Electronics $335.4 million
667 Twitter    Farmingdale An advanced leader in surveillance, communications, and integration technologies, this is their Corporate HQ and TLSI facility. 11 (D) 4 (D)
US Dynamics Corp Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $21 million
107 Amityville Fully certified full service parts and engineering aerospace supplier with a special focus on gyroscopes. 11 (D) 4 (D)
Wal Aerospace Machining Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $402 thousand
8 West Bablyon Decades of experience providing high quality parts to the aerospace sector with a specialization in working with titanium and metal alloys. 11 (D) 4 (D)
American Pride Fasteners Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $4.22 million
20 Bay Shore Conducts precision fastener manufacturing for aerospace and military clients. 12 (R) 4 (D)
CPI Aerostructures Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $101 million
280 Brentwood 30+ years of advanced aerospace manufacturing, with large scale production capabilities. 12 (R) 4 (D)
Flexim Americas Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $76.7 million
450 Brentwood Provides flow meteres and other hydroaulic devices for the aviation and aerospace industries, including NASA. 12 (R) 4 (D)
Jamco Aerospace Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $8.15 million
50 Deer Park Wide range of precision machining capabilities. 12 (R) 4 (D)
Konar Precision Manufacturing Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $1.21 million
6 Deer Park Family owned machine shop serving aerospace and defense clients. 12 (R) 4 (D)
Lasticks Aerospace Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $9.06 million
10 Bay Shore Family owned small business that supplies a range of parts for the aerospace industry. 12 (R) 4 (D)
MDI Industries Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $5 million
24 Deer Park Experienced machining & metalworking company with a wide range of capabilities. 12 (R) 4 (D)
Precision Metals Corp Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $8.3 million
45 Bay Shore High quality precision machining facility serving the Long Island aerospace ecosystem. 12 (R) 4 (D)
Tek Precision Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $10.5 million
33 Deer Park Major regional parts supplier for various military aerospace platforms. 12 (R) 4 (D)
Wayne Integrated Technologies Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $6.09 million
38 Edgewood Providing high quality aluminum crafted products to the aerospace industry since 1966. 12 (R) 4 (D)
Hitemco Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $16.7 million
19 Old Bethpage Decades of experience providing advanced thermal coatings and sprays to various aerospace, defense, and space clients. 10 (D) 5 (R)
Now Electronics Space & Defense Telecommunications & Electronics $7.03 million
8 Huntington Electronics supplier with a specialty in military and aerospace clients. 10 (D) 5 (R)
Designatronics Incorporated Space & Defense Satellite Manufacturing & Aerospace Manufacturing $71.3 million
150 Hicksville Makes gear and component systems for satellites as well as various defense and aerospace platforms. 13 (D) 5 (R)
Honeywell Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $5 million
$10 million

(Site Specific)
50 - 99 Facebook Plainview This location specializes in energy conservation. 13 (D) 5 (R)
Aljo-Gefa Precision Manufacturing Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $5.2 million
10 Bethpage Provides CNC machining services to customers in a variety of industries including defense, aerospace, and high tech applications. 15 (R) 5 (R)
Ex-Eltronics Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $8.37 million
40 Plainview Part of a multi-national network of aerospace parts suppliers serving both civilian and defense customers. 15 (R) 5 (R)
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Space Force/Military 1659 Bethpage Production site for the Apollo Lunar Module, this location has been a key node for Northrop Grumman throughout its' existence. 15 (R) 5 (R)
Park Aerospace Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $560 million
110 Westbury 15 (R) 5 (R)
Howe Machine & Tool Co. Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $4.53 million
11 Bethpage Legacy machine & tool company founded in 1953 as a core supplier of Northrop Grumman, it is now a 3rd generation family owned operator in the Long Island aerospace ecosystem. 17 (R) 5 (R)
Aero Structures Long Island Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $29.5 million
80 Westbury Veteran owned business that produces precision-machined and monolithic structural components and assemblies for a variety of programs, including the military aircraft. 13 (D) 6 (D)
Arkwin Industries Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $96.05 million
300 Twitter    Westbury Expert in aeronautical hydraulic systems, with military clients including the F-35 fighter jet project. 15 (R) 6 (D)
Alpal Precision Machining Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $1000 thousand
7 West Hempstead 100% focused exclusively on supplying quality precision parts to the aerospace and defense sectors. 19 (R) 6 (D)
Dyna Empire Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $22 million
110 Garden City 55,000 sq ft. Long Island facility now services customers that include the US Government and Boeing. 19 (R) 6 (D)
Frequency Electronics Space & Defense Telecommunications & Electronics $54 million
94 Uniondale Decades of experience developing Precision Time & Frequency devices, with both commercial and government/military clients. 19 (R) 6 (D)
Lockheed Martin Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing 225 Uniondale 19 (R) 6 (D)
Nassau Chromium Plating Space & Defense Choromium Plating $5 million
25 Mineola Specializes in plate components for Nasa Space Shuttles, Spacex, and on average 60% of intake is linked to the aerospace and military Industries 19 (R) 6 (D)
NorcaTec Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $10 million
50 Twitter    Garden City Wide array of parts available to military and commercial aerospace customers. 19 (R) 6 (D)
Cox and Co. Core Space Aerospace Manufacturing & Testing $62 million
190 Twitter    Plainview Specializes in aerospace-related temperature control and ice protection, large testing facilities include the largest privately-held ice wind tunnel in the US. Clients include NASA's SLS program. 10 (D) 7 (R)
Adept Engineering Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $50 thousand
1 Glen Cove Decades of engineering expertise with extensive experience with aerospace and military customers. 13 (D) 7 (R)
H.L. Large Inc Space & Defense Aerospace Development & Support $6.1 million
22 Syosset Legacy of high quality wooden packaging, including for significant space projects like the Apollo Command Module. 13 (D) 7 (R)
Payload Core Space Space Journalism 4 Twitter    Jericho Online digital space newsletter with a growing New York presence. 13 (D) 7 (R)
B&S Aircraft Alloys Core Space Aerospace Manufacturing $5 million
17 Syosset Woman-owned business that produces a wide range of parts and components for the aircraft and aerospace markets, including NASA. 15 (R) 7 (R)
Sintel Satellite Services Core Space Telecommunications & Electronics $5 million
5 Plainview SintelSat is a global telecom company based in Long Island, New York providing infrastructure, systems, services and turnkey solutions using Satellite, Fiber, Microwave, FSO and Wi-Fi/ Wi-MAX wireless technologies. 15 (R) 7 (R)
LyteLoop Core Space Space Data $6 million
34 Twitter    Great Neck Startup developing a novel satellite data storage concept. 16 (D) 7 (R)
Aero Trades MFG Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $9.09 million
33 Mineola Provides a wide range of aerospace parts services including hydroforming, waterjet machine-cutting, press working, welding, stamping, joining, and assembly 19 (R) 7 (R)
iRocket Core Space Launch, Rocketry, & Propulsion $100 thousand
$5 million

2 Twitter    New Hyde Park Developing an autonomous, fully reusable launch vehicle with strong support from NASA. HQ & manufacturing takes place on Long Island. 19 (R) 7 (R)
Aeroglen Space & Defense Aerospace Development & Support $1.24 million
13 Ronkonkoma World class aerospace supply chain infrastructure with a legacy of serving aerospace and defense customers. 5 (R) 8 (R)
Alken Industries Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $13 million
70 Ronkonkoma Extensive capabilities in precision machining available to aerospace clients. 5 (R) 8 (R)
All-System Aerospace Aerospace Aerospace Development & Support $5 million
30 Holbrook Quality parts and services provider serving the aerospace industry since 1978. 5 (R) 8 (R)
Banner Metalcraft Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $13.34 million
77 Ronkonkoma Decades of experience servicing the aircraft and aerospace industries with high quality sheet metal and fabricated parts. 5 (R) 8 (R)
Betatronix Core Space Telecommunications & Electronics $19.34 million
98 Twitter    Ronkonkoma Develops high quality electronics, including systems certified for NASA missions. 5 (R) 8 (R)
BGA Test & Technology Core Space Aerospace Manufacturing $6 million
33 Holbrook Specialists in retinning & reballing technologies with extensive experience in the aerospace industry. 5 (R) 8 (R)
BH Aircraft Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $3.6 million
150 Ronkonkoma Extensive project design experience in the aerospace industry. 5 (R) 8 (R)
BJG Electronics Core Space Electronics $75 million
186 Ronkonkoma Family owned electronics manufacturer and distributor that hosts RF/Microwave testing facilities and has done work for NASA's SLS project. 5 (R) 8 (R)
EastWest Industries Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $22.42 million
83 Facebook Ronkonkoma Focus on aircrew safety and ground support. 5 (R) 8 (R)
GE Aviation Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $9.1 billion
250 Bohemia This facility produces power conversion products and cockpit control assemblies as part of the nationwide GE Aviation network. 5 (R) 8 (R)
HH Technologies Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $6 million
32 Ronkonkoma Precision machine shop operating on Long Island for over 40 years. 5 (R) 8 (R)
Innoveering Core Space Space & Defense Manufacturing $9.2 million
51 - 200 Ronkonkoma Founded in 2012, has extensive experience in the power and energy dynamics involved in hypersonic propulsion systems. Was acquired by GE in 2023 and continues operating under their umbrella. 5 (R) 8 (R)
Minutemen Precision Machining & Tool Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $12.3 million
70 Ronkonkoma Decades of experience manufacturing an extensive range of parts and frames for aerospace customers. 5 (R) 8 (R)
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Space Force/Military Twitter    Ronkonkoma 5 (R) 8 (R)
Powertech Controls Company Core Space Electronics $12 million
41 Twitter    Ronkonkoma Distrubtor of electrical and automation controls, customers include NASA's Orion program. 5 (R) 8 (R)
Premire Military Parts Space & Defense Space Force/Military $2.4 million
3 Holbrook High quality parts supplier for the military and aerospace sectors. 5 (R) 8 (R)
Tens Machine Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $6.09 million
28 Holbrook Minority woman owned aerospace parts supplier. 5 (R) 8 (R)
Vosky Precision Machining Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $3.75 million
18 Ronkonkoma Over 40 years of precision machining experience in the Long Island aerospace ecosystem. 5 (R) 8 (R)
Zibiz Corporation Core Space Space Data $5 million
25 Ronkonkoma Provides innovative IT solutions to a wide range of customers, including NASA's Orion program. 5 (R) 8 (R)
Archimedes Products Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing $1.13 million
8 Bohemia Produces a wide range of products that support the Long Island aerospace ecosystem. 7 (R) 8 (R)
Beta Transformer Technology Core Space Aerospace Manufacturing $5.5 million
31 Bohemia Provides space-qualified radiation hardened motion control, power control, and networking systems for a range of space clients, including NASA's SLS program. 7 (R) 8 (R)
Boeing Aerospace Telecommunications & Electronics $49 thousand
(Site Specific)
4 Bohemia Facility is part of Boeing Computer Services. 7 (R) 8 (R)
Data Device Corporation Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $26.74 million
381 Twitter    Bohemia Over 50 years of developing motion control and power control systems for civil and military aerospace and space applications. 7 (R) 8 (R)
Davis Aircraft Aerospace Aerospace Development & Support $27.17 million
140 Twitter    Bohemia Seven decades of experience producing restraint systems for the aerospace industry. 7 (R) 8 (R)
Dayton T. Brown Testing & Engineering Aerospace Testing $66.7 million
260 Bohemia Highly specialized testing and engineering services, including those used in the aerospace industry. 7 (R) 8 (R)
Edge Electronics Aerospace Telecommunications & Electronics $45 million
39 Bohemia Woman owned electronics distribution company . 7 (R) 8 (R)
Innoveering Core Space Aerospace Development & Support Bohemia Founded in 2012, has extensive experience in the power and energy dynamics involved in hypersonic propulsion systems. Was acquired by GE in 2023 and continues operating under their umbrella. 7 (R) 8 (R)
Magellan Aerospace Core Space Satellite Manufacturing 34 Twitter    Bohemia 7 (R) 8 (R)
North Atlantic Industries Space & Defense Telecommunications & Electronics $62 million
171 Twitter    Bohemia Vertically integrated hardened electronics and power supply system manufacturer for commercial and military aerospace clients, including NASA's crewed Orion program. 7 (R) 8 (R)
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Space Force/Military Bohemia 7 (R) 8 (R)
RCM Engineering Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing 1 Twitter    West Sayville IT Services facility. 7 (R) 8 (R)
V J Technologies Core Space 3D Printing $54.3 million
200 Bohemia Develops 3D priting and additive manufacturing solutions for a range of aerospace and space clients, including NASA's SLS program. 7 (R) 8 (R)
EB Industries Space & Defense Aerospace Manufacturing $7 million
36 East Farmingdale Performing high quality precision welding for the aerospace and defense industries since 1965. 11 (D) 9 (R)
Collins Aerospace Aerospace Space Data 250 Twitter    Elmont This facility is part of Raytheon/Collins Aerospace aviation connectivity network. 22 (D) 9 (R)
Science Plus Inc Core Space Space Education $50 thousand
1 Facebook Bellrose Virtual and in person science demonstrations for kids of all ages. 22 (D) 9 (R)